
Alumni Chat: ‘5 Things You Wish You’d Known Before Starting At NYU Abu Dhabi’
“What is the one thing you wish you'd known before joining NYU Abu Dhabi?” I asked alumni. Here is a snapshot of their answers, in bite-size format.

My Big Fat Greek Experience: Sorority Life at NYU
NYU has a vibrant Greek life with seven sororities. Here is a helpful guide to sorority life.

Why NYU? Difficult Choices and Deciding Where to Go to College
Deciding on a college is an immense undertaking. Here, an NYU student offers a few strategies to help make your decision easier.

“It’s Not a Phase, Mom!” Justifying Your Artistic Degree
Are you sure of your decision to pursue the arts but are surrounded by people who are concerned for you? Here are some tips to help you strengthen your resolve.

A Letter to Students Who Are Doubtful About Pursuing Art
Doubtful about why you should pursue art as a major? Just do it.

What NYU Means to Me
NYU seemed so complex. I had no idea about what to expect before I arrived. Now halfway through undergrad, I have found what NYU really means to me.

My Double Major at NYU
As a current student, I can tell you, if you’re thinking of pursuing a double major at NYU, it is possible, and NYU is the place to do it!

The Internship Search: What I’ve Learned from the Process
Let’s be honest, the internship search and application process is far from easy. Here are eight things I learned from the process.

Being a Student at NYU—an International Perspective
NYU has a large community of international students, each with their own story of coming to NYU. Hailing from the land down under, Keiarn, shares her journey to NYU.