NYU Campus Safety Is in Your Corner
Safety first. And second. And third.
NYU Pop Quiz Episode One: Bobst and Books
We stumped students with five tricky questions about NYU's libraries and literary past. How many can you answer?
College Orientation in 2020 Is Virtually Amazing
This year, NYU students start out with over a month of online welcome events
Musical Theatre at NYU: A Chorus Line
Whether you’re majoring in Drama or just love to sing, you can step onto the stage at NYU.
NYU 2020 Commencement Goes Virtual
Our community came together to congratulate these amazing graduates.
NYU Admissions Ambassadors Answer: What’s Your Favorite Place on NYU’s Campus?
Have you ever wondered where NYU students like to spend their time? Our very own Admissions Ambassadors answer the question: What's your favorite place on NYU's campus?
Experience the World Through Language Learning
Learning another language opens doors to countless opportunities. Hear why one NYU student chose to learn Arabic.
Happy Birthday, Bobcat! Our NYU Mascot Just Turned 36
The Bobcat is a Sagittarius. Now you know.
#NYUStyle, Fall 2019 Edition
Style—and some NYU pride—shine in these student looks.
The Best of NYU Dining
Get firsthand knowledge from students on NYU dining and how it caters to different dietary restrictions and schedules.
Letter to My High School Self
The leap from high school to college is a big one, but these NYU students assure their younger selves that everything is going to be OK.
Letter to My High School Self Part 2
The only constant at NYU is change. For these students it's that change that helps them reach their goals at NYU.