My advisor with a postcard from one of her students who studied away with her help!!

My advisor with a postcard from one of her students who studied away with her help!!

One of the biggest reasons NYU was my dream school was because of the incredible encouragement I’d be given to pursue interests outside of my main program of interest. I remember going to my academic advisor at the end of my first year, asking what it would look like to pursue a psychology minor. She greeted me with enthusiasm and assured me it was more than possible! I now write this as a senior, entering my last semester, with all required classes for my minor completed! 

My academic advisor, JB has consistently given me incredible, impactful guidance my past four years. She has introduced me to numerous NYU resources and encouraged me to contact professors and faculty about classes I am interested in. She has pushed me to get the MOST out of my NYU experience and I can honestly say I very much have – with her by my side. I think it is only fair that I share her guidance for you all in this article – please enjoy her wisdom! 

JB with NYU's International Theater Workshop students who study away in Amsterdam every summer!
JB with NYU's International Theater Workshop students who study away in Amsterdam every summer!

What is your advice to students who are starting to register for classes for the first time?

JB: Lots of deep breaths. I think that there’s this sort of idea that you have to have everything when you show up, and I think it’s really important for first years, and all students, to remember that you are coming to school to learn. That’s why you’re here. So you shouldn’t know it all. It’s ok that you don’t know it all!

How is your first year of college different from the others?

JB: The first year is interesting as it is the only time throughout your collegiate career when you’re really doing something that is so typical, standard and just like baseline. Everything else that you do, which you’ve (referring to me) experienced now that you’re a senior is that you’re going to do a million and one different things. I think it’s really important for students to trust the process, as corny as it sounds, and to know that it is orchestrated in a particular way, so that it can give you the best chance at success.

When I’m talking about success, I’m not just talking about your first year. I’m talking about how you’re approaching your sophomore year and your junior year. All of that is built upon this foundation on what you do and don’t understand as a first year.

I wish more first years knew to be more present and trust the process. Know that what you know in this moment is enough. 

My Welcome Leader group my second year:)
My Welcome Leader group my second year:)
My Drama studio's Earth Day picnic in Washington Sq. Park our first year:)
My Drama studio's Earth Day picnic in Washington Sq. Park our first year:)

What is the role of an advisor? 

JB: My goal is to help you understand how to find advocacy and autonomy for yourself. I facilitate that journey. The first year its almost like we’re hand holding, we’re there by your side. Sophomore year I’m gonna let go of your hand, but I’m right here. Junior year, you can start walking, I’ll be there and we’ll still be in touch. Then senior year, you know what you need and you know how I can function in your journey. This is such an exciting leap to see in the juniors and the seniors. The relationship should change.

Your first year, your advisor is there to help you. They are not your personal assistant, they’re not your secretary and thats not to say that different dynamics of relationships won’t emerge – I think thats just the reality of humans. Sometimes we’ll be student and advisor, sometimes it’ll be two humans that are having a hard time and sometimes it will feel like I’m your auntie checking in on you, giving you some tough love.

My first pic in front of the fountain after committing to NYU!
My first pic in front of the fountain after committing to NYU!

Is there any research that students should be doing to prepare for registration?

(Answer catered for specifically Drama students but there are resources for students in different programs!):

JB: Yes! There is a new platform called Drama Access. This should be the first stop for students. You’re going to have all of your answers about: what do you need for graduation requirements, there is a platform called “Majors and Minors“, where you can look at potential majors/minors you’re interested in. Are you even interested in pursuing another major/minor. There’s a study away section, there is an additional professional training section where it talks about what studios are offered after you’re done with your four semesters.

First years, especially, want to ideate what their journeys can be, so get lost down a rabbit hole of Drama Access!

When you’re looking for classes, find your favorite snack, whatever’s gonna let you sit for 20-30 minutes, and look through Albert! Look through the different resources that you know you’re going to have to use and understand at some point.

JB and I, of course, talked for many more minutes in this interview, so if you’d like to hear more of her words on student success, the rest of the interview is here!

Hi!! I am Jordan, but please call me Jo! I am one of the many lovely Digital Ambassadors for the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. I am in my last year studying Drama in NYU’s Tisch School of Arts and minoring in Psychology in the College of Arts and Science. I enjoy singing, dancing, reading, cooking and connecting with new people!