Shanghai's skyline.

Is there a more intriguing place in the world right now than China? A society whose relationship to the rest of the world is changing as rapidly, whose economy has evolved so swiftly, whose growing geopolitical influence is as closely watched?
Study China From Within China

All NYU Shanghai students study in one of the most vibrant urban centers of this fascinating country as it navigates its evolving place in the world in real time. But for some of them, the country itself is their subject. In NYU Shanghai’s Global China Studies (GCS) program, students get a fully immersive educational experience in the only four-year degree program where they can study China from within China. “So many universities offer Asian studies or Chinese language study,” says GCS major Savannah Billman, “but in GCS, we focus specifically on China, its relationship to the world, its economy and politics, the environment, its culture, and so much more, through the lens of China.”

A collage of Shanghai moments. Image one: A group of students sitting on steps outside of NYU Shanghai. Image two: A student with their back to the camera wearing an NYU hat and backpack. Image three: A cropped view of an ornate building. Image four: A large group of people shopping and a family passing by on a motorcar. Image five: A close-up of hands making dumplings.
Study What Matters Most to You

The major is structured to provide students with a broad knowledge base of China’s history, its culture and environment, and its role in the modern world. Yet it also allows enough room for them to pursue their individual interests as they relate to China.

Business-focused students can concentrate on the economics of the country. Art lovers can explore the culture of the society. Students who hope to work in public policy can pursue a range of China-focused politics courses. And since students are living in the country they’re studying, the subject matter is literally at their fingertips. “Being here and taking a class about city design in China, then being able to go out into the streets of Shanghai and see that in action is something that a lot of universities can’t offer,” says Savannah. Plus, students in the program can receive additional language training, which gives them an edge when applying for internships and postgraduate employment opportunities.

A collage of Shanghai moments. Image one: A group of students walking near the river with the city skyline in the background. Image two: A close-up of a bowl of noodles. Image three: A gazebo surrounded by trees near a body of water.
Develop a Connection Like No Other

But most of all, GCS students get the unparalleled opportunity to fully connect with China, both academically and in life. “The major really represents the spirit of NYU Shanghai,” says Savannah. “To be a bridge between the United States and China, and China and the rest of the world—that’s what GCS is all about.”

Lesley Gibson is the managing editor for NYU’s Marketing Communications group in the University Relations and Public Affairs office. She is currently obsessed with black raspberries, sun hats, and lip gloss. She loves dogs of all sizes, but especially small wire-coated terriers.