A student putting on protective googles
Two students working with lab equipment. The machine they are working with is emitting a green glow, and the students are wearing protecting googles

Want to spend this summer learning, creating, and innovating? At the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, research is a way of life, as students and faculty strive to solve our most pressing real-world problems. Now, Tandon is seeking applicants for the Applied Research Innovations in Science and Engineering (ARISE) program this summer. ARISE provides an exciting opportunity for New York City-based high schoolers to participate in college-level scientific research. What’s more, it’s completely free.

If you’re highly motivated and passionate about STEM, we want to get to know you! We believe cultivating a more diverse talent pool in STEM benefits society and science, so we’re focused on increasing representation and building an inclusive research environment. Plus, all ARISE participants get to attend workshops and other activities to prepare for college and beyond.

A group of students and a professor looking a lab equipment
Research Areas

If you’re accepted to ARISE, you’ll spend your days conducting research in NYU faculty labs and receiving mentorship from NYU researchers. “Here, you get to learning something new,” affirms Ben Esner, Director for the NYU Center for K12 STEM Education. The Center runs ARISE in partnership with the New York City Science Research Mentoring Consortium (SMRP). “Research is about discovery and knowledge, successes and failures, and ARISE is about giving students that authentic research experience. You’re in an externally funded lab that is dedicated to discovering things that people don’t already know.”

ARISE applicants have the opportunity to contribute to applied research at rotating roster of around 50 different NYU labs. Subject areas include anthropology, biology, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, machine learning, and aerospace engineering. This year, research projects include the ethical use of artificial intelligence, ways to maximize solar cell efficiency, and building robotic arms to help archaeologists.


I've learned a variety of new skills at ARISE! I learned how to find research papers, think about my research from an ethical stand point, present to people, apply my skills in a different field, plan projects, design posters, make slides, explain my research in a more simple manner, work in an office environment, use rhino 3d, use a water jet, and improvise when needed. Overall ARISE has taught me so many skills and was an exceptional experience. – 2023 ARISE Student
So many things! Data analysis, WGM Sensor, UV-Visible Spectroscopy, Biochemistry, Biological Aggregate studies, Graphing, Proteins & Chemicals, Research, Scientific/Technical Writing, Professional and public speaking skills – 2023 ARISE Student
Two college students working in a lab.
A group of students working in a lab
Beyond the Lab

In addition to 4 weeks of lab safety training and six weeks of hands-on research experience, ARISE offers a number of other benefits, including college advisement. For instance, all participants attend four weeks of workshops, including “Dimensions of Scientific Inquiry,” a unique seminar on scientific ethics. Moreover, all participants receive training in presenting and public speaking with the Irondale Ensemble Project. They also get advice on college majors from the NYU network, financial aid advising, one on one application writing support, and hear from industry professionals on their career path. Throughout  the summer, students build a community of like-minded peers as well as strong relationships with renowned academics in the field. Lastly, upon completion of the program, you’ll present your findings at an NYU Colloquium as well as AMNH’s Symposium and receive a $1000 stipend.

“This was the best summer ever. I had so much fun and learned so much. In addition to learning about college and my future, I found amazing friends and mentors. Overall, the ARISE experience couldn't have been better.”– 2020 ARISE Student
How to Apply (Hint: the Application opens January 3 and closes February 21)

ARISE 2025 is open to 10th and 11th grade New York City students. Accepted students need to be available for the full length of the program, which runs from June 2 to August 8, plus an orientation on May 30th.

To apply, you’ll need to go through a multi-step process. First, you’ll fill out an online application that includes information about you, your academic record, and your preferred area(s) of research. Next, the application requires the completion of an assessment form by a recommender. This should come from an adult who can speak to your academic strengths and interest in STEM. Finally, you’ll need to write a short essay addressing the questions listed here.

We have made the application process easier than ever! We offer many forms of application support including step by step application walk-thru videos. After the application deadline on February 21, 2025, applicants will get the opportunity to virtually tour our roster of labs and if selected to move on in the process, they will be invited to interviews for a chance to match with their top labs of choice.

Interested in exploring more summer programs for high school students at NYU? Visit www.nyu.edu/highschool.