Know what to look for this weekend during the NYU Open House!
1. Don’t be shy!

Approach Ambassadors and chat about their time at NYU. Ask about their major, favorite classes, events, and extracurriculars. If the Ambassador you are talking to doesn’t study what you want to pursue – ask them to direct you to the Ambassador that has that major.

2. Feel the environment

Check out the campus and city and start to picture yourself here. Do you feel at home? What do you think of the neighborhood? Try to see what the path to class would be. Can you hear Gossip Girl, Carrie Bradshaw, or Spider-Man narrating your walk?

3. Swap stickers

Tell other students about your experience and hear them out! You are all in the same boat. This could be your future roommate or classmate. Ask what most excites them about the school.

4. Extra! Extra! Extra!

See all the clubs and extracurriculars available at NYU. What are you going to do after class? Squirrel watching, Fried Chicken Club, Wine & Cheese… Or Student Government and the Class Activities Board. Contrary to popular belief, we have athletics at NYU! Are you playing Diving 3 Basketball or joining a club sport? Chat with the different representatives during Open House. Residential Life is another great way to meet friends and keep yourself busy, you are never going to miss an opportunity to make friends.

5. Tune into your body

It is an overwhelming and stressful time, make sure you are checking in with yourself! Chat with your adults, parents, guardians, mentors. How can they best support you right now? Take time to let it all sink in. My tip: breathe in for 4 counts, hold your breath for 7, breathe out for 8.

Elisa (she/her) is a Senior at the Tisch School of the Arts studying Drama, with a minor in Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology, and another in Producing for Film. She is a tropical bird from Brazil and has been the co-president of the Brazilian Student Society for the past two years. Besides being a Clerical Assistant and a House Manager at the Production Resource Office at Tisch and an Admissions Ambassador, she usually can be found working on a student production or creating content online. If she has free time, she enjoys playing the guitar, dancing, watching movies and knitting.