Published September 24, 2021
Why I’m an Admissions Ambassador at NYU
During my first semester of college, I walked into the Bonomi Family Admissions Center to ask the Admissions Ambassadors on shift a simple question: “How do I get your job?” Now I’ve been with the program for three years. And I’m here to tell you why joining them was one of the best decisions I’ve made.
Who Are the Admissions Ambassadors?
Before I wax poetic about the Admissions Ambassadors program, let me first explain who we are. We are the introduction to NYU. Whether we lead a tour, answer a phone call, or interact with you during your visit to the Bonomi Admissions Center or a virtual information session these days, we are the first people many prospective students come in contact with when learning about the University. Connecting prospective students to the NYU student experience is our job. And when I say it’s our job—I mean it! We are paid to talk about what it’s like to go to NYU, and we have a lot of fun doing it.
Community Connections
We have a cohort of about 200 student Admissions Ambassadors. That is a really small community at a large university like NYU. And our small, tight-knit community is one of my favorite things about the program. As a first-year student, I wanted to make a close group of friends. Being an ambassador helped me do so. When I started my shifts, I found both my inner circle and a strong, diverse, interconnected community of friends.
In Between Phone Calls…
…we discussed astrology, reality tv, and the latest broadway shows we’d seen. In addition, I met many people at “ambassaparties,” which are smaller events hosted by an ambassador supervisor. We would have game nights, eat free Chipotle or boba, or play admissions Family Feud. Now, during the pandemic, we stay connected through Zoom events. Recently, we had our first-ever ambassador talent show over Zoom! Dash, a member of the professional staff, hosted the event, and it was truly a night to remember.
Professional Development
However, being an Admissions Ambassadors is not all fun and games. As I previously mentioned, this is a job. Therefore, there are a lot of opportunities for professional development. For example, we host a professional development event, where we develop networking skills, learn interview tips, and update our résumés, every semester. (My LinkedIn got a huge boost after I joined this program.) Some of the smartest and most talented NYU students are a part of the ambassador program. And they’re all eager to make professional connections.
Since our students occupy leadership positions in nearly every program at NYU, joining the program is a great opportunity to network and find mentorship. If you’re interested in becoming a resident assistant (RA), a Welcome Week chair, or a student government senator, you can find an ambassador who can guide you through the process. For example, my friend Gerald helped me prepare for my RA interview last year, and now we work together on the same RA team.
Apply Today!
From celebrating with prospective students at Weekend on the Square and preparing for candidate weekend at NYU Abu Dhabi to giving a tour to an Academy Award–winning actress, many of my fondest memories at NYU are from working as an Admissions Ambassador. My decision to become an ambassador was easily one of the best decisions I’ve made at NYU, and I couldn’t encourage you more to apply to this program. If you’re interested in becoming an ambassador, you can apply here. Or you can head to our website to watch our recorded information session and learn more about the program. The application for Admissions Ambassadors will close on September 25th at 11:59 PM (EST). Apply today!