The exterior of the NYU Steinhardt building with people walking on the sidewalk.

Students and Steinhardt deans standing in front of a stage after an information panel.
Here I am after a Steinhardt information panel with fellow students and deans.

My Major

I’m an Applied Psychology major pursuing my BS/MA in Mental Health and Wellness.

I chose to pursue this accelerated track for a few reasons. One, I’m studying psychology at NYU, with the intent of becoming a therapist. In most cases, to practice as a therapist you need to complete a graduate degree and meet licensure requirements. So, when I learned about this dual degree track, I thought it was the perfect opportunity!

Additionally, the application process for this program was much more relaxed than that of a typical graduate degree application. For example, I did not need to submit standardized scores. Instead, my performance as an undergraduate in the applied psychology program spoke for my application.


My Favorite Courses

Some of my favorite undergraduate classes have included Women and Mental Health, where we discussed how different gender and racial identities impact mental health experience. Also, another one of my favorites was The Counseling Interview. We learned about different therapeutic techniques and how to implement them.

My favorite graduate class so far has been Abnormal Psychology. In this course, we learned about different mental disorders and how to diagnose clients with them. Also, we learned what therapeutic techniques would work best for counseling. I also completed a really cool final project where I read a book that dealt with a mental health disorder, then completed a full diagnostic evaluation based on the content.

Student standing in front of Washington Square Arch in Washington Square Park
Here’s me on my last first day of being an undergraduate student!

Is This Program Right for You?

I know it may seem a little crazy completing my bachelor’s degree while simultaneously taking graduate coursework. I won’t lie—it is a lot of work. However, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time in the program. A huge plus is that I am able to complete graduate school in half the time.

This program was also more cost-efficient. Because I am taking graduate classes to fulfill both graduate and undergraduate program requirements, I am able to take these rigorous courses at an undergraduate rate.

Even if you’re not sure one of these programs is right for you, that’s okay! The accelerated programs are not something you would indicate on your initial NYU application. Plus, most programs don’t require students to apply until their junior year. You have plenty of time to figure out if it’s right for you.

If being a part of an accelerated degree program is something you are interested in, definitely check out the many programs NYU has to offer!

Morgan Beene is a rising senior majoring in Applied Psychology through their BS/MA program, and minoring in Media Culture and Communication at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Apart from being a student and admissions ambassador on campus, Morgan works as both a Summer and Resident Assistant through NYU’s Residential Life, has been a Steinhardt Peer Mentor, interned as a Research Assistant at the R.I.S.E Lab, and is the current administrative intern at NYU’s Center for Counseling and Community Wellbeing. When she isn’t on campus, Morgan enjoys hunting for the best vegetarian food NYC has to offer, shopping in the SoHo area, and catching a Broadway show every now and then.