Published March 21, 2025
A Manhattaner in Brooklyn: Discovering NYU Tandon as a WSP Student

A picture perfect moment of an NYU trolley waiting for students at our Brooklyn campus
Wait…isn’t NYU located at Washington Square Park? At least, that was my first thought when I learned about our Brooklyn campus, located in the heart of downtown. My next thought? That campus must be far away, hard to access, and only house engineering students. I won’t be making the trip any time soon.
Flash forward a few months into my sophomore year- my second year!! A fellow student and work colleague took me out there to do some studying. Read on to hear about my experience in Brooklyn and why my initial thoughts were about as accurate as saying that NYU has no community.
The Trip to Tandon
Most NYU students believe that our Brooklyn campus is difficult to get to (ugh, the subway) and only for our Tandon School of Engineering students. These myths often make Brooklyn seem like a different university completely. So when I got the invitation out there, I was less than thrilled. WSP was perfect, what could this faraway piece of NYU offer? I took the subway out there because there is a stop right next to where I live. I was dreading the ride, but honestly it took only one transfer and about twenty minutes. Shorter than my walk to WSP and I was transported to the beautiful Brooklyn commons.
My first impression: this cannot be NYU. Where are all the people, the cars, the endless purple flags waving? It was small, but it was cozy and it was peaceful. WSP can sometimes be a little overwhelming for me, so standing in the commons felt like a breath of fresh air.

My Tandon Icebreaker
From the commons, I navigated to the commuter lounge where I met my friend. Walking into the study space, it was filled with coders navigating Python and engineers working out complex math equations on the white boards. I felt pretty out of place. How could I blend in here when I did not study anything remotely similar to them? Just ask my dad, I used to cry over Algebra II in high school… Don’t get me wrong, I can do math, I just don’t enjoy it in the way that I enjoy writing essays and analyzing readings. So then how would these engineers react to me talking about enjoying 80 page readings?
As it turns out, about the same way I did when they told me they enjoyed doing linear algebra: surprised and impressed. Honestly, that was the extent of our academic conversation as we geared up for a competitive game of Billiards (which I lost spectacularly). We also had a pretty heated debate about our favourite pizza toppings. In short: I did not need to feel out of place, because having things in common with others goes far beyond academic tracks.
Breaking the Stereotypes
My Brooklyn adventure was eye-opening. This piece of NYU had so much to offer, from a peaceful common area to lounges filled with games, beanbags, and study spaces. I ended up taking the NYU shuttle back (completely free for students). So the stereotype about the difficulty of getting to Brooklyn? False.
Only engineering students? Also false. During the intense game of Billiards, another girl joined in. She shared that she was part of the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music, part of our Tisch school! She assured me that she also had no knowledge of Python. This made the campus feel even more accessible to students in majors other than engineering. I later learned that our Meisner Studio in the Drama department of Tisch is also located in Brooklyn. These students, while separated from other drama studios, loved their private rehearsal spaces! Tandon also holds our MakerSpace, where any NYU student can stop by and try 3d Printing, use a laser cutter, or take their chances with woodcutting! A little tip: a 3d printed flower can go a long way for Mother’s day…
Bites, Brews, and Brooklyn Views
Let’s talk about the food options now. So many affordable options for coffee and food! Not only are there three dining halls as part of NYU, there is a whole row of restaurants. These include Naya, Five Guys, standard food trucks, and of course, Starbucks. These restaurants were so easily accessible to the Brooklyn campus, that it took me all of five minutes to grab a rice bowl before heading to the Dibner library to study. So if you are a coffee or food fiend when studying, head to Brooklyn for some great variety and prices!
There is also easy access to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade and Brooklyn Bridge, both of which provide stunning views of Manhattan and our WSP home! When it’s not crazy windy outside, I love going out there with my friends to chat, explore, and of course, have an impromptu photo shoot.
(Brooklyn) Bridging NYU
In the end, our Brooklyn campus is not as secluded or scary as it seems. It is easily accessible and filled with cozy study spaces and access to nature. I wish I had made the trip well before my second year, as you can now find me out there about twice a week. The campus encourages cross-campus collaboration and appreciation is strong out there, reminding me that NYU is not just a collection of physical buildings, but a network of opportunities and people who are all a part of the same NYU community.