Washington Square Park in the fall

There’s a chill in the air, and that means that NYU’s Open House is right around the corner. You’ll want to make the most of your experience in the city that never sleeps and on the campus without walls, and so we’ve compiled a list of the top ten (not so) secret things to do during your visit! These are activities that will not only enrich your understanding of NYU but also leave you with unforgettable memories of the city that surrounds it. (And if you haven’t registered to join us yet, what are you waiting for?)

So, fasten your seatbelts, because here are the must-do experiences to make your Open House weekend truly extraordinary. Pro Tip: Bring an umbrella and check the forecast before heading to campus. NYC weather in autumn can be pretty unpredictable!

10.  Get Free Snacks and Swag

Who doesn’t love free stuff? Head over to Kimmel (60 Washington Sq South) and make your way up to the 10th floor’s Rosenthal Pavilion to indulge in delicious treats, enjoy breathtaking views, and grab some NYU swag. While you’re there, don’t forget to explore the University Resource Hub with valuable insights about schools, programs, and clubs. Open from 11:00AM – 3:00PM on Saturday and Sunday.

9.  Stroll Up the High Line

Just a short walk or a quick Uber ride away from NYU lies the High Line a transformed elevated train line that offers a unique urban park experience. Take a leisurely post-Open House stroll along New York’s West Side, or for the daring, conclude your walk with a visit to the Edge for a more “elevated” experience.

Two people sitting on the grass

8. Grab a Slice

New York City and pizza go hand in hand, and the debate over the best slice in town is ongoing. Dive into the pizza culture with a visit to iconic spots like Joe’s for a classic slice, John’s for something a bit fancier, or venture to Little Italy to experience the Mulberry Street offerings at Rubirosa.


7. Be a Part of a NYU Game Show

Come on down! You’re the next contestant on NYU Fact or Fiction. Test your knowledge about NYU’s myths, legends, and truths and you might just win One …. Million … Bragging Rights. (Plus, perhaps, a prize.)  Everyone walks away a winner with some exclusive NYU knowledge. Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 and 1:00, Kimmel 914.


The fountain in Washington Square park

6. Get Started on that Ikea List

It’s never too early to begin planning to have the coolest room on campus. Now’s your chance to see what you will be working with. Attend a Residence Hall Room Show and really get a feel for what life is like on campus. Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 – 3:00 at various residence halls in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

5. Take a Buzzfeed Quiz

Swing by the Bonomi Family Admissions Center (27 West 4th Street) to check out the Violet Showcase, celebrating the contributions of NYU alumni to the world. Play board games, watch movie clips, read some Judy Blume, and yes, finally figure out which Barbie You Should Be For Halloween.

4. Eat Like a NYU Student

No, we don’t mean run to the dining halls (they won’t let you in anyway)! But there are a number of NYU student-recommended restaurants to check out. Some favorites include: Village Taverna , Tortaria, and Cafe Reggio .

3. Have a Deep Conversation (Or Quick Chat) about Identity

One of the greatest things about New York and NYU is the incredible diversity of the population. At Embracing Identities, Finding Communities at NYU, you can mingle with various student and administrative leaders and learn how NYU embraces and encourages diversity in all its forms. (Also, there’s free food!)  Saturday and Sunday, 12:00, John A Paulson Center (181 Mercer Street).

The arch in washington square park

2. Take a Selfie Next To the Washington Square Arch

Washington Square Park is the unofficial quad of NYU. And the arch is iconic. But be careful – don’t cross under it!  NYU tradition holds it is bad luck to walk under the arch before you graduate. There are even unofficial ceremonies celebrating everyone’s first time. But hey, something to look forward to!

1. Do That Thing You Signed Up For

While not the most secretive activity, attending your School or Campus Spotlight is the essence of your visit. Immerse yourself in insightful sessions where you’ll hear from faculty, staff, and students about NYU’s schools and colleges, academic programs, and what your academic journey might entail.  Refer to your registration for times and locations.

We can’t wait to welcome you to the NYU family and share in your academic adventures. Until then, enjoy the Open House, and we’ll see you soon!


Hey there!  I’m Nathan Armstrong (he/him) and I have too many words in my title.  But basically, it’s my job to oversee events for Undergraduate Admissions, like October Open House and Weekend on the Square.  As a graduate of UC Santa Barbara and native Californian, I’m embracing my love-hate relationship with seasons.  Outside of NYU, I’m a working improv actor and produce my own improvised musical (now in its 9th year)!  I’m also an avid board game fan, and have lost many hours to Dune: Imperium.