When you start your college application, there are a few important things to keep in mind when it comes to your email account.
1. Use an Email Account That You Check Frequently
(or set up one to forward to an account that you check frequently)
The admissions process moves quickly. There is time-sensitive information sent via email throughout the process. You need to check your account frequently and respond promptly.
2. Do Not Use Profanity or Crude Language
This one is obvious, but I’ll say it anyway: your application should represent your best self. Therefore, don’t use offensive language. You want to set yourself up for success. The email appears on the first page of your application and could put a bad taste in the reviewer’s mouth if your email contains offensive words.
3. Do Not Use an Account Provided by Your Current School
This one is the most shocking. Many people think their school email is their most professional option and, therefore, the best choice.
Why Shouldn’t You Use Your Current School Email Account?
You will leave your school and lose access to this account before the admissions process concludes. Therefore, you may miss out on critical information.
Students who attend schools that follow different academic calendars than those traditionally found in the United States have it worse. If your school year ends in November or December (looking at you Australia and Oceania) or in February (what’s up Korea), you may miss out on a large number of communications both before and after decisions are released.
What Now?
Don’t worry if you already chose the wrong email. If you haven’t submitted your application, just update your Common Application account to a new email. If you have already submitted your application to NYU, you can submit the Personal Information Update Request form located in the upper right of your application status page to update your email.