With more than 300 student organizations, selecting student clubs at NYU can seem a rather daunting task upon matriculation. Fortunately, arriving at NYU with a specific passion or interest in mind can help narrow your search. If business is your passion, you can pursue some of the 29 business-related clubs at the Stern School of Business. Or if arts and entertainment are what excite you most, you’re in luck! From improv troupes to a cappella groups, NYU has innumerable arts organizations for future actors, comedians, singers, and dancers. 

Comedy Troupes

Four NYU students in a comedy troupe audition for sketched inspired by “The Wiggles.”
My fellow troupe members and me rehearsing a sketch inspired by The Wiggles.

Comedy troupes are a superb way to join the NYU arts scene. Even still, the vast quantity of troupes available can be daunting. Should you audition for all of them, or simply the ones that seem the most appealing to you? This is a great question, and there isn’t a right answer. Some students “run the NYU comedy gamut,” whereas others audition only for troupes that align with their areas of interest. For example, Dangerbox and After School Improv perform long-form improv, whereas Comic Sans and Hammerkatz write and perform sketch comedy. Moreover, LaLaHaHa blends music and comedy while Antonio’s Army creates experimental comedic theatre. Is stand-up comedy more your forte? Then consider Astor Place Riots!

Theatre Organizations

New York City is one of the world’s theatre capitals, so where better than NYU to participate in college theatre? The Broke People Play Festival (BPPF) is the University’s largest student-run theatre organization producing new work. In addition to hosting two large-scale festivals each year, BPPF produces staged “incubator” readings of fledgling theatrical works. Many consider these readings “a staple” of the NYU theatre community. However, if producing and performing in already-published works is more appealing to you, then consider joining Shakespeare in the Square, which annually performs two Shakespearean productions right in the heart of Washington Square Park. Additionally, Tisch New Theatre produces high-level musical theatre productions, such as Alice by Heart and Cabaret

A Cappella

Whether you were in the choir in high school or were galvanized by the Pitch Perfect trilogy to pursue the thrilling prospect of singing without musical accompaniment, NYU has several impressive a cappella groups, many of which perform at the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella each year. For more insight into the NYU a cappella scene, read this great article, “Getting Involved: How to Join an A Capella Group at NYU”!


Four college students sit around a table full of copies of the latest “The Plague” magazine.
Fresh off the press! The Plague staff members eagerly reviewing our recently printed magazine.

If getting up on stage fills you with more anxiety than excitement, then The Plague may be for you! Although the name of NYU’s oldest satire publication is slightly ominous, it’s a great way to join an intimate community of satirists. In addition to publishing a physical issue each spring semester (prior examples include a satirical cookbook, high school textbook, and religious scripture), The Plague also publishes satirical writing on their online blog. Free pizza is also served at every meeting!  

There’s So Much More!

This was a brief overview of a few of NYU’s many student arts clubs and organizations. That said, even organizations that fall under a certain undergraduate school accept members from all over the University. I have participated in many Tisch School of the Arts clubs alongside students from the College of Arts and Science, Stern, and even the Tandon School of Engineering. While finding your community at NYU can feel daunting, student clubs and organizations are an optimal way to make friends and explore different passions.

To explore more student clubs and organizations at NYU, visit engage.nyu.edu.

Jake Vitarelli (he/him) is a rising junior studying Dramatic Writing at the Tisch School of the Arts. In addition to being an Admissions Ambassador for the NYU Office of Undergraduate Admissions, he also serves an an executive board member of the Broke People Play Festival (NYU’s largest student-run new-works theater festival), an editor for Plague Magazine (NYU’s oldest satire publication), and is a member of the NYU sketch comedy troupe Comic Sans.