Violets, it’s Time to BeReal...
For those who might not be familiar, BeReal is a social media platform that has become very popular in the recent months. At a random time every day, users receive a notification telling them it is “⚠️Time to BeReal. ⚠️”. Then, they have two minutes to take a photo with the front and back facing cameras on their device. This photo is then posted and viewable to all of their other friends on the BeReal app.
As a Student Ambassador for NYU, a large part of my job is to show prospective students and families what the authentic undergraduate experience looks like here. I figured, what better way to do so than to share some of my friend’s favorite BeReal’s taken throughout the semester? I hope this article helps answer the question, “what are NYU students doing when it’s Time to BeReal?”
We’re So Glad You're Here…
Stern School of Business, Finance and Accounting
I took this BeReal right after my sorority’s weekly chapter meeting. NYU offers so many amazing opportunities to get involved. My freshman year was 2020 and with everything online it was challenging to meet new people. It was a goal my sophomore year to get more involved in the campus. I rushed and joined Delta Phi Epsilon! I am so proud to be part of an organization that has 100+ successful women from all schools. Chapter meetings are the highlights of my week where I get to BeReal with my sisters!
Happy Bellies at Lipton!
College of Arts and Science, Journalism & English Literature
After a long afternoon of studying at Bobst Library, my friend Kaya and I headed to Lipton to grab a nice dinner before going home. Lipton’s our go-to dining hall because it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet style dining hall right in the middle of campus and always has a great variety of food options to choose from. I ate mac & cheese, grilled chicken, a yummy salad and finished off with ice cream (of course). Right as we were heading out we took this BeReal and captured the warm and comfy essence of Lipton!
College of Arts and Science, International Relations
This was taken on a break during NYU’s Fall Open House. I really love when NYU hosts events for prospective students because not only do I get to share the parts of NYU that I really enjoy with potential students, but I also get to hang out with my fellow ambassadors! The ambassador program is probably one of my best decisions when I came to NYU. I have loved getting to know all of the ambassadors in the program. I captured this BeReal with Liv–who I met through work and now we’re studying abroad together next semester 🙂
Low Quality Picture, High Quality Time
College of Arts and Science, Computer Science and Economics
I took this BeReal right as my group of CAS College Leaders were finishing up a team-building activity called “Beat the Bomb” in Brooklyn. It was basically an escape room (which we failed to complete) that splattered us with paint at the end of the experience. (The aftermath of this is depicted above…). In general, CAS College Leaders are upperclassmen students who each facilitate a Cohort of about 35 first-year students in our College of Arts and Science. We provide mentorship, connect students to on-campus resources, and program fun activities around the city to build community! (Like the activity pictured here!) This is definitely a fun job at NYU to be caught doing when it’s time to BeReal.
Debrief Dinners
Stern School of Business, Finance and Sustainable Business
This BeReal was taken at a local NYC restaurant called Kotobuki. My friends and I had spent a long day at Bobst (5th floor is a fan-favorite!) doing schoolwork. Then, we decided that we needed to treat ourselves to some good food. This was towards the beginning of the semester, so it was fun to be able to catch up with some friends I hadn’t seen in a while. It was also a really fun and relaxing end to a long day of studying!
Bobst Brunch
College of Arts and Science, Economics and Public Policy
This BeReal was taken in between classes while I was studying at Bobst with my friend. Bobst is my go-to study and hang out spot when I am on campus. I particularly love the fifth floor because we are allowed to talk. As the BeReal went off, my friend was eating lunch (out of her huge tupperware of pasta, lol) and we were catching up before getting back to work!
Parks & Picnics
Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Photography & Themes of Justice
This lovely BeReal was taken at the start of the semester in Washington Square Park. I was graciously invited to a picnic with friends so we enjoyed the weather, listened to live music, and snacked on pastries. This picnic was the first of many good times to come. Each week after, we decided to meet in a different park and enjoy the outdoors before winter!