Study of Education
Meet NYU Steinhardt
At the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, students can explore disciplines from education and health to music and media studies.
An Education Studies Major Finds Her Way
Change and discovery are constants for NYU Steinhardt Class of 2022 graduate Jolie Radunich.
World Language Education at NYU Steinhardt
This unique degree prepares students to teach Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, or Spanish and includes initial New York State teaching certification.
Crunch Time: The Ultimate Playlist to Focus
Need help focusing while working on applications or essay-writing? This playlist of classical and lo-fi music is guaranteed to help you get it all done!
Education Studies at NYU: Everything You Want to Know
Learn how educational policy is formed at the community, regional, national, and global levels.
The Major Dilemma About Majors
Wait...there are how many majors?! How do I pick the right one?