Zachary Hull
Is NYU Worth It? A Graduating Senior’s Reflection
Navigating the college application process, let alone the decisions that come next, is overwhelming. So what makes NYU worth it?
Tips and Tricks for Virtual Learning
Virtual learning can be overwhelming, frustrating, and even tiring, so it’s important to find creative ways to cope. Here are some tips and tricks for staying engaged in a virtual setting.
Using College Resources to Enhance Your Experience
Although college is a fun and exciting time, itʼs important to take advantage of various resources in order to make the most of your four years.
The NYU Intern Wears Prada
Find out how NYU students use an internship database to secure New York City internships.
My Life Undecided
Choosing your specific major or concentration can be daunting. But at the same time, it’s an amazing period in the undergraduate experience where you don’t need to feel the pressure of knowing exactly who you are and what you want to do.